Brown Eyed Little Girl

Welcome to the world of a fun & fabulous 7-YEAR-OLD!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I love ("lub") my mommy!

Here is one of my favorite photos of mommy & me. This was a special day. I had just started walking all-by-myself, so we went to a pretty duck pond to explore around. I waited to do the whole walking thing until I was 16 months old! It just looked like it could possibly be tiring and I figured 'hey', if all these people keep wanting to PICK ME UP and CARRY ME around, then why bother wasting my own precious energy?

But ya know, as soon as I started walking, I realized what a different, amazing, and FUN world that I'd been missing out on! What a totally different and unique view of things! And I could get to things fast. I mean, fast! I explored my entire house as soon as possible. Since I waited so long before walking, I got to observe all the other kids my age and learn from their experiences. As a result, once I walked, I rarely even fell or ran into stuff. It was like I was an instant walking expert. :) And then, walking soon became RUNNING, which was the very best thing ever!! But I digress...

Back to things about Mommy: I remember from the beginning how much she loves to cuddle and hold me in her lap. Check out this photo from long ago. I'm the one doing the newborn-y pose. Those are Mommy's knees. She was having a bad face/hair day and did not want to be too visible. Gosh, us women... But, the pic is all about 3-week-old ME anyway!

My mommy is extremely chatty and energetic. I have a feeling I'm gonna be just like her, since these are family traits on the mommy-side of the fam. Other things mommy & I have in common? We've got some huge love for animals and also for music. And oh gosh, is Mommy ever FUNNY. She just cracks Daddy UP. :) I totally hope to be this way as well, so I'm observing and sharpening my little wit each day!

But...although my mommy is great, she did not come without flaws. She can be a little impatient at times. And she's a super-duper perfectionist, Type A++ personality. Oh well, that's ok. That's where Mellow Daddy comes in to balance things out.

Oh yeah, another mommy flaw is her addiction. To all things junk food! Notice the strawberry shortcake here?

But hey, it's not all bad. We got some fruit outta the deal.

(click here for more mommy info)


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