Brown Eyed Little Girl

Welcome to the world of a fun & fabulous 7-YEAR-OLD!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Officially a Daisy Girl Scout!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Some Cool and Artsy Pics

Holiday Fun (Dec 09)

The pics below are at a mall at home. Then some while visiting Nana/Pappaw and my cousin during holidays. Got to do some VERY cool stuff!

Red dot on nose is me playing 'Rudolph'.

Yes, I'm on a Clydesdale. Crazy! And as usual, I'm not scared at all.

Lacey and me with the ranch doggie!

Snow in MY city??

In Dec, it actually snowed in my city! Very rare (but EXCITING) event!!
Here's me in my front yard, catching flakes on my tongue.